US imported Herb Grinders NZ. Our most popular sellers are our Non-Stick Ceramic Coated Grinders like the SLX and the Cali Crusher OG SLICK. Our best value Herb Grinders are the Croc Crusher Grinders. Our top of the range grinder is the Non-Stick "SLICKS" (SLX). The best value Non-Stick Grinder is the Cali OG SLICK. The OG Slick is slightly larger than the large SLX but quite a bit lighter. Both are fantastic to use and we highly recommend them. Some dry herb vaporizers require a very fine grind achieved with a 2 piece Grinder (Pax, DaVinci etc, all Conduction Vapes) and some work well with a coarse grind from a 4 piece Grinder (Firefly 2+, Crafty+, Mighty+ Medic, all Convection/Hybrid Vapes). We highly recommend using a 2pc Grinder for all conduction vapes, our Santa Cruz Shredder 2pc Grinders are very high quality and perfect for the job! We also have Croc Crusher Grinders in 2pc which are also high quality and the best value of our entire grinder line up. We have Croc Crusher 2pc XXL Grinders, the XXL is 3.5 inch/89mm wide and a grinding beast allowing you to grind loads of flower on each cycle. Don't forget to grab a stick of Grinder Grease (if using a regular grinder), the greatest little invention for grinding herb! We also have Electric Herb Grinders called the Chewy. They are fantastic to use for all convection vapes (Mighty+) as the grind is coarse but fluffy. You can grind directly into your oven from the grinder. Just load the grinder and hit the button and fill your oven, perfect for the Mighty+!
All Herb Grinders are stocked in our Auckland, NZ warehouse.