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STARRY 3.0 Whip & Glass Adapter for 14mm Bongs & Bubblers.
XMAX Starry 3.0 Water Pipe Adapter. XVAPE Fog Pro/Starry 3.0/Mighty+/Crafty+ Whip Adapter NZ.
The XVAPE XMAX Starry Water Pipe Adapter mates your Starry to any glass with a 14mm female connection. Attach it to the swivel mouthpiece on your vape, drop the other end of the whip into your glass piece or bubbler, and set the Starry 3.0 (or other swivel MP vape) down next to it. This adapter also fits the Mighty+ and Crafty+, Fog Pro and a few other vaporizers. The whip is long for a reason, you can adjust the length once you see how it all connects by shortening the silicon hose. Simply cut it and reattach the glass adapter, or do the other end.
XVAPE Starry / FOG Pro Water Adapter Kit.
With the XVAPE Water Pipe Adapter you can hook it up to your own Bong or Water Pipe or buy one of our 14mm Bubblers.
One end of the whip connects to the mouthpiece of your Starry 3.0 or Fog Pro vape and the other connects through a 14mm male glass joint. Our Vape Tube 14 (14mm) Bubbler we stock will fit this adapter perfectly. 14mm is a common size for many water pipes and bubblers.
1 x Silicone Whip With Mouthpiece & 14mm Frosted Glass Adapter.

Alternative Whip Options
You can do the same thing with one of our Whip Kits. The only differences are that our whips are made with much higher quality & more suitable Bong Tubing and come as a complete Whip Kit. Our glass adapter that connects to your 14mm Bong joint is an Elbow Shape (L shape) and not straight. We have 3 colors of Glass. All Whip Kits come with a plastic Retainer Clip to hold your whip in place on the Bong. Our kits come with a Glass Mouthpiece (handy if using as a regular whip, can also use as a connector to connect 2 pieces of tubing). Our colored kits also come with a 10mm and a 14mm colored glass stopper for your Bong.
The only difference is, you will need to slide the Silicone Tubing over your swivel mouthpiece on your vape (see bellow), our whips do not have the little black end that the XVape Whip Adapter has. It really makes little difference to be honest. Pushing the tubing over your mouthpiece works great and is very quick and easy to do. This method will work on many different vapes. The XVape Fog Pro for example.